Rules of Fair Play
Clients must not use the products and other textual materials they obtain from this website in any other way apart from the academic requisites of their instructions. You are solely responsible if you violate our terms of service or the law while using our products. Expulsion from a university can result from plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism can result in you being disqualified from scholarships and further financial assistance. Inappropriate, unethical, or illegal use of products obtained through this website may result in disciplinary action against you.
You agree to participate in the Referral Program and abide by its terms per the Referral Conditions. The company can alter the referral program without notice. Moreover, there are no guarantees that referral discounts will remain available at any given time. Our procedures are subject to change at any time and without prior notice. We reserve the right to terminate your participation in the Referral Program if you violate any of these Terms. Let us say you obtained the Bonus by tricking, faking, or abusing our Referral Program. We have the option of canceling the Bonus if necessary. These alterations could affect any previous discounts you have accrued. Legally speaking, we can do so.
Plagiarism Reports
Any attempt to pass off a product as their own will result in the connection being terminated. However, if you use our products, you also agree that you will not resell our products to anyone else. It is your agreement that we have the right to refuse any additional work or services for You if we believe it is in Your best interest. Refusal of distribution or use of a Product in violation of these Terms is also within our power.
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